Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ancient Polynesia

A sub-region of Oceana that consisted of thousands of Pacific islands inhabited by peoples in branching groups or tribes with very similar cultural traits. c. 1600-1800 (European modernization),_p_37-46/p1 Decorative drum bases. Detail and intricacy suggests high importance and significance of rituals within groups.,_p_37-46/p1 Chief necklaces and other ornaments. Evidence of endowment and blatantly appropriated leadership. Pestles. Signs of varying ways of preparing, manipulating, and consuming food stuffs. Crude tools forged from Earth. Early manipulation of available resources. Found in Hawaii, though bound with leather from hides of animals on other distant Pacific islands. Maritime exchange and interaction. Ceremonial dance costumes. We see development of religious PRACTICE that began to accompany what was only belief and inorganic artistic expression.

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